The light flux regulator

Regolatori di flusso luminoso per risparmio energetico

Feed RSS

From now on, thanks to the new website, you can visit the site of Agentech Srl also through the relevant RSS feed (really Simple Syndication).

In this way you have the possibility to receive on your computer, automatically and in real time, every updating of the website as soon as they are published.

You just need to unload and install the necessary programme to read the RSS feed. Among all the different programmes available:

Feedreader e Rssowl

Rssowl is really well done, but also in the browser Opera 8 there is a very good reader of RSS feed.

Have a nice reading!

Agentech Srl

Via Ranco Mauro, 12
47891 Dogana RSM
Tel. 0549-970496
Fax: 0549-877645